In this module I will be producing two main bodies of work- a series of Postcards and my take on the Journey Brief.
There will be some smaller projects happening the same time and these will be found on the blog (starting with The Male Gaze blog) where I explain what and why. I will also be documenting the process of the Postcards and Journey on the blog.
The Postcard and Journey subpages is primarily for the display of the final images and a reflection.
My Journey brief is called "A Journey Through TIme: The Maid of Cefn Ydfa" and my series of postcards is called "Pinks & Pearls".
There is also a subpage called "inspirations" which is a collection of photographers I have researched, and other resources I have found.
I think that my overall performance in this module has been adequate. I feel like the images I produced have been a big step up to previous work I have created however, the research could have been handled better.
I think I was trying too hard to find artists straight away, rather than taking my time and choosing the best artists and doing more detailed research on them. Especially with the Journey brief, I was more focused on the images and what they looked like rather then the background information. This is something that I think I can improve on, taking my time with research and not forcing it.
From the last module, I used my freshly developed planning skills in these projects a lot. I planned the Postcard work down to the type and colour of the flowers I used and their meaning. For the journey brief I read lots of texts about the story comparing versions and picking the most accurate one- I also found the poems and songs written about the story and
listened to them. I researched a lot for my work (not so much for other people's work).
I am really proud of the work I have produced within this module and it was fun to experiment in my specialism. There were some things which didn't really work out (especially in the journey brief) I did do a few trials and errors but I think that helps when creating a piece of work as It allows you to see what works and helps guide you to the best outcome.