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Digital Display.


Where do I start.

That was my first thought. For some reason for this project I found it quite hard to start displaying my work on the digital. I am normally okay with this but I struggled to begin with. This might be because I have been a bit thrown off with my idea and now I need to quickly come up with something else, something more effective. Since the urban landscapes didn’t work well in the physical I now have to come up with a way to present them in the digital.

I thought back to my subvert project- as I am trying to subvert a typology slightly. I remembered that I had really good feedback on my videos, where I threw the images on the ground. I thought that I should try and use that and adapt it for this project.

So I got my typologies and I screen recorded them, here are the results:

I found it very difficult to get the smooth scroll- at first I was just using my trackpad and then I changed to a mouse with was a bit better but not massively. Overall I think that this idea would be good if I could actually get the scroll to be perfectly smooth- otherwise I just looks a bit messy and unprofessional.

I then thought about a gallery sort of swipe. E.g:


But they seem kind of basic. I would only use these if I have no other option. This is because it does do the job of displaying the images but there is nothing eye catching about it- it’s quite static.

While emailing a couple of my lectures about how I should display the Urban landscapes the word "collage" came up. So I made a couple today just to see how it would look- whether it is successful or not:

After a lot of thought and scrolling through these collages I found that the ones with were more successful were the ones where the images are more spaced out- this could be because it gives each images their chance in the spotlight as they are not overlapping each other. I tried the overlapping technique first as it was what Deborah Turbville did (but not as drastically as I did).

I want to further explore the layout of the collage with the spaces in between the images. To ensure that I find the best wand most effective collage to become my final outcome.

So I did just that. Over the past couple days I have been playing around with the different layouts of the collage- here they are:

Now, the question is, which one to choose?


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