Last Thursday I went down to the photography studios and spoke to Sam. We had a short discussion about the types of paper I could potentially use for the final prints of my images. I made a short trip to the locksbrook shop and bought three different types of paper- Matte, Gloss and Lustre. Those three are the ones that stood out to me the most, I only bought one sheet of each in the size A4 to see what the images would be like on each texture. (These images are stuck in my sketchbook).
I spoke to some of my peers and Jonathan and I finally decided on two different papers! I really liked the Lustre paper on the portrait, it wasn't too distracting from the image, like the gloss was, and it wasn't too dull like the matte. It was just right, as Goldilocks would say. So the portraits will be printed on the Lustre paper, but the other images will not be. I want the portraits to be the main focus of the project as the people make the community, not the place. Like it was said in Thor Ragnarok "Asgard not a place, it's a people."
The other images will be printed off on the Matte paper- so it doesn’t distract from the portraits but still hold the detail it needs too,
Next week, I will be printing off the images for the last time. I will have another talk with Sam about what sizes would work best together.
When I spoke to Jonathan, we didn't just talk about the type of paper, we spoke about how I would display the images. I began to talk about my idea and we bounced ideas off each other for a while until Jonathan mentioned a rule at the Tate where all the images were displayed at eye level throughout the gallery.
That got me thinking- should I follow the rules of the Tate? or should I do the opposite?
When explaining my initial idea to Jonathan I described it like puzzle pieces going together- which wasn't really accurate to what I originally planned but I took that word and used it to fuel the new idea.
This was the first messy and chaotic notes I took quickly before the idea left my head!

And here is the more refined and understandable diagrams of my new idea on the display:
To make sense of these diagrams I will explain what the idea is. The portraits will be placed just above eye level and just below eye level- leaving a gap at eye level (63 cm?) going against the Tate rules. I did this as I believe that it will act like a border, as spoken about on a previous blog, and it will guide the eye across all the images.
With the supporting images I am not sure where I would like to go. Either on the sides (allowing the blue sky to act as a border on the sides) or above and below the portraits. I am leaning more towards the first one as if I am correct in my thinking then the blue sky border should be successful and eye catching- but only if it is done correctly (🤞). Also, if the images in the middle are going to A2/A1 then if the images were put above then they would be very high up and probably not easily seen. To full put this to the test I am planning on printing the images on normal paper to see what it will look like up on the wall- just to get a picture in my head and hopefully things will just fall into place.