For this online lecture we used my least favourite software- Sculpt LG. I have nothing against the creators of Sculpt LG but I hate using the software, it's a "me not you" situation!
In the studio we are making our own inflatables (which will be the next blog) and for preparation for that we made 3D models of our inflatables- to try and understand the shape we will produce and what it will look like (hopefully).
Above is the plan for my inflables- I plan to have three different ones. The tubes coming down will be the valves for the shapes which will hopefully allow the air to blow up the shapes.
There is a practically of having a 3D version of a sketched idea- it allows you to see if the idea actually works and if it will be successful or not. It would be good to compare the 3D model of my plan to the final product to see if there is a correlation between the virtual and the physical.
There are a few issues to this process, I struggled to get the arrow (the middle shape) to have a pointy tip- that just might be me or the software or both- but this is not a true representation of what I want my shapes to be. Also the scale is still unknown as these shapes are just floating in a virtual void. The idea of space and scale is lost virtually.
For some mini tasks we were told to design two more inflatables- to help us get a further understanding of how they would work and look. To help us see if our original design needed tweaking or anything. The first task was to pick our favourite Wingding and make in into an inflatable. I choose three (whoops):
When designing these I struggled to make to smiley and frowny mouth so they look a bit odd. I find this software to be a bit fiddly which is probably why I have a love hate relationship with it. Again this software eliminates to idea of space and scale so these inflatables could be the size of my hand or 30ft tall. Now looking at the final product I am not entirely sure how this shape would inflate- maybe the valve would be on the circle around the faces or maybe each feature would have it's own valve.
The last task was the design an inflatable that is wearable. I went with a hat:
My first idea was to make an old fashioned top hat but it turned into a cowboy hat so i embraced it. I can imagine this inflatable being quite comically large on someones head but again there is no scale to this 3D model. The valve would be placed at the bottom of the hat to try and disguise it as i imagine that seeing a valve in fashion isn't attractive and distracts from the actual piece of clothing.
Overall my relationship with SculptLG hasn't improved but my relationship to inflatables has. I'm glad we did this task as it got me thinking more about my inflatable and how my team needs to design it so it actually works and inflates to the height we want it too. It also got me thinking about the valve and how we need to adapt it to the scale of the inflatable.