In the first group discussion, my idea was quite well received. However, I was given a few things to think about. One of the main things was what was going to be on the back of the postcard; random words, the whole process of making the postcards, a story (real or made up) or artists I like or who inspired me on this photoshoot. The options were endless!
I was also asked why flowers, what is the meaning behind them? Is there a significant meaning or is it ambiguous? And who are the flowers being sent to? And why? For love? Or missing someone, or death?
The main feedback from this session was the refine my idea more and do some research around it. (which can be seen at the end of the video above.)
Developing the idea and refining it's edges was quite interesting as it made me think about the idea more than I ever have before- for any project.
My final developed idea was:
A story of someone giving and receiving flowers from family, showing how they appreciate them and miss them in this lockdown. The flower colours will be pink and white- which represents motherly love and pure love.
The background of the images will be a cloth to create a soft atmosphere, alos the colours will be warm to create a welcoming mood. It will be minimalist.
On the back of the postcards will be my favourite quotes. Ones which are currently up on my "studio" wall. This will allow my link tutor to get to know me without me writing paragraphs on paragraphs of information. Short and Sweet.
When taking the photoshoot, I had a lot of fun. It had been a while since I had done a photoshoot like that before and I enjoyed it.
Here are the raw images from the photoshoot:

When editing them, I did restart the process a couple of times as I wasn't satisfied with the outcome. After a lot of experimenting on lightroom I finally found the right adjustments with portrayed the atmosphere and message I wanted them to portray. Here are the final edit:

I am extremely happy in the way they have turned out. They have a sort of elegance to them which is very inviting. And the warm and inviting atmosphere I wanted to achieve is clearly portrayed.
I then went a step further and made them into gifs. I made 2 different sets of gifs, here’s the first one:

I tried to make a virtual postcard so you can see the front and the back like you would a normal postcard. I think that I was successful in that.
My second set of gifs is slightly different:
I made these gifs on Prequel where the ones above were made on photoshop. These don't give the impression that they are postcards, in my opinion. Them feel more like normal images or decorative images due to the effects on them.
Due to this they were quite affective on the
instagram show.
In a group of three, we made a collaborative Instagram gallery show. Here is the finished show:
We based our show around the song ilysb (i love you so bad) which is a song about loving and missing someone which we thought was relevant to the postcards. We had lyrics of the song down the middle column, mimicking what you would hear if the song was playing in an actual show. The name of our show came from the song but our profile picture didn't. The profile picture was a left over postcard from a person in my group, we thought that it would be a good profile picture as it is quite ironic and it would catch people's attention before they even knew what the account was.
The overall show was a success. Nothing went wrong, we didn't have any technical difficulties! and it was active at the right time. The overall look we wanted to achieve for our gallery we achieved! There is a sense of organised chaos! We took full advantage of all of instagram's quirky addons- like the highlights which we used to show our gifs. Also, on Instagram you can share accounts and posts on that account so we were able to advertise this gallery account on all our personal instagram stories (with the song playing in the background!) this allowed it to reach a bigger audience.
I think that I do another digital gallery on instagram again, however, it doesn't replace the feelings of a real gallery.