I have kind of hit a wall- no pun intended. I had a fixed idea of how I wanted to display my work and I have taken images around that idea. So when I finally put up the images and took a step back I realised how wrong I was.
In a group crit, Seamus did try and bring to light where I was going wrong but it didn't really sink in until I saw it physically.
At Locksbrook today I printed off all my images on normal paper- just to experiment with the layout of them. Here are the outcomes from this activity:
Here I have tried to find a way to display the images all together- black and white portraits with colour urban images. My initial thought on these was that they were good as there colour blue pops which is what I wanted to do. However the more I look at them the more I am unsure whether they are actually successful or not, or whether I want them to be successful so bad I am trying to convince myself that they are.
This time I have tried them as different bodies of work displayed next to each other. The portraits are in the same position as before- the subverted typology shape. With the buildings I tried to something both Jonathan and Seamus had suggested- create a line through the images so they become connect. This was quite difficult to do as there wasn't many lines going straight through the images which made it hard to line them up. It did however make this interesting shape.
This still wasn't a successful experiment- it was too chaotic in my opinion and that is not the atmosphere I want to create with the project.
I then decided that I should try the portraits by themselves. Just to see if that would look better than with the urban landscapes. I think that that might be the case. I tried many different ways to layout the images, also different sizes. My original plan from the beginning was to play around with different scales of images to make them more engaging and slightly subverted from the usual block layout. In my sketchbook I tried a mini version of it (see in previous blog) and it looked very satisfying but at that point I only had half of the images so this was my first time really trying to play around with the scale with all my images. Some of them are more successful than others. Obviously the block one (3rd one) is successful as it's the basic and common layout for images. I understand why this is but I'm not sure I want that for my work. It doesn’t really make the images stand out or look interesting than any other work. My favourite is the last one, this is because on the top and bottom it goes from small to big (ish) and then back to small. This is what makes the scales satisfying- its neat.
Overall, this activity has been very essential for me as now I am able to move on quickly and not be stuck in one place. my plan moving forward is this:
Have the portraits as the main/ only piece of work on display at Locksbrook. Create some sort of collage or scrapbook sort of thing with the leftover urban landscape images as I don't want them to be left and forgotten as they are an important part of my work. With the collage it will be for the virtual gallery only- however if it is very successful it can be its own body of work for the Locksbrook gallery.
Here's to moving on.