It is roughly half way through the project, and my idea has evolved and developed so much since the beginning so I thought that I would highlight how and why that has happened and if there is room for more improvement and where that could take me. I also wanted to do this to help gather my thoughts to help me pinpoint where I need to go next.
My initial idea was called "The Faces" where I would take images of strangers in specific communities and then make one big typology on it. Celebrating the community and how it stood strong through the pandemic. However, after a lot of thought on it I thought that it would be difficult to do this as the pandemic is still going on and I didn't want to put others in a situation they aren't comfortable with and the same goes for myself too. Therefore, I began thinking about how I could adapt and overcome this issue but still keep on the topic of communities.
Then after a couple of group crits I began to think about how I could make this self biographical and document my own communities- my old communities and my new ones.
So I have began to collect images from Bath and Maesteg- these images include signs, buildings, views and people.
I have also collected details of the people I have taken pictures of, for example their name, age and what they are currently doing.
I think so far that my project it on the right track after a few adjustments however, there is still a need for more images for the typologies as I am not satisfied with the material I have yet.
What I need to work on now is the display of my images- for example, will they be displayed in a usual typology or will I be able to subvert it like I said at the beginning.
There is a list of things that need to be done/played around with:
- I need to experiment with the layout of the of the typologies.
- Explore the images in colour and Black and White
- Work with Sam and John with the printing of the images
- Print off images on normal paper and play with display on wall
- Make a final decision on what typologies will be used, should I use all the images I have taken or only a select few? Should I include the paths and signs? would they fit In successfully or would it be to chaotic?
There is still a lot do do and think about, but I am on the right track!